5. Channel Listing
Channel Listings are managed in the PDX Developer Console
The channel listing is your calling card - it helps users find your channel and understand how it can help them run their businesses. Your listing explains the features and functionality of your channel. Your listing should clearly communicate functionality so that users can quickly understand the benefits of your channel.
Writing a PDX Syndication Channel Store listing
The channel listing is your first point of contact with a user, and it's where they'll go to determine whether your channel is right for them. All approved public channels have a listing on the PDX Syndication Channel Store, regardless of whether you choose to make it listed or unlisted.
The listing is often your biggest marketing tool — an effective channel listing encourages PDX syndication users to try your channel for themselves. Make sure that your channel listing is clear, and that it answers the questions that a potential user might have.
The channel listing submission form lets you do the following:
- Highlight channel features so users can easily see what your channel can do for them
- Specify the requirements to activate and use your channel
Follow these requirements and guidelines when you're filling out the channel submission form to make sure that users can easily find your channel and understand what they can use it for.
The Stibo Systems logo must not be used in any of the graphic elements of your app listing, including but not limited to the feature image, app icon, or screenshots.
Translate your app listing
If your channel is available in multiple languages, then you can also make your app listing available in those languages to help your app reach a wider audience. You can add and delete translated channel listings for any of the supported languages on the PDX Syndication Channel Store.
Certain listing details can be managed only on your primary listing. If you have created translated listings for your channel, then you can choose which one to set as your primary listing.
You should create translated listings only for languages that PDX supports. Any translated listings that you create for languages that PDX doesn't support will be removed from the PDX Syndication Channel Store.
Basic app information
Channel listings must be free of inappropriate content and user data.
App name
Your channel name is an important part of how you brand yourself to users, and how they refer to your channel. Follow these requirements when deciding on a channel name:
- The channel name can't include the word "Stibo Systems"
- The channel name must be 30 characters or fewer.
- The channel name should represent your channel's functionality, such as "Walmart Seller Center USA"
- The channel name can't end with the name of your PDX developer account. For example, your app name can't be "Channel name by PDX developer account name".
When you create a channel, you must also enter a channel name in the Developer Dashboard. This name can be shorter than the name in the channel listing.
Your channel will be listed as having been "built by" which will be your Developer Dashboard company name.
App Icon
You can add and update your app icon from the app submission form. When making your app icon, follow these guidelines:
- Use SVG or PNG format for the image.
- The channel icon's dimensions should be 1200px by 1200px.
- Don't include text in your channel icon.
- Don't include screenshots or photographs in your channel icon.
- Use bold colors and recognizable patterns.
- Make sure you have permission to use logos or wordmarks that you don't own.
Channel categorization
When users visit the PDX Syndication Channel Store, they can search for apps by using categories, subcategories, and tags.
Category: "Amazon"
Sub Category "Seller Central"
Tags: "Amazon", "Seller Central", "UK"
The tags impact your channel's discoverability on the PDX Syndication Channel Store. In this field, you must select a primary tag that best describes your channel's core functionality. You can add an additional secondary tag if your channel has other core functionality that isn't described by the primary tag.
Changes to this field will trigger a review by the PDX Channel review team.
If your channel capabilities change and you want to change how your channel is categorized, then you can submit an appeal to change the channel categorization by using the link in the developer dashboard. After the PDX Channel review team completes their review, they'll send a response, whether it's approved or rejected.
In this section, you can enter all languages supported by your channel. We recommend using translated channel listings for any languages supported by PDX, but you can use this field to enter both languages that are supported by the PDX Syndication Channel Store.
The languages listed under the Languages section of the channel listing must be available within your channel.
Channel store listing content
Your channel store listing content should describe your channel's features at a high level. When creating your channel store listing content, don't reference your other channels and services in your app store listing content.
- Feature media
You must add a feature image for the listing header. A feature image is a required part of the app listing. It shows merchants more about your app in a highly visible part of your listing.The video should be no longer than 2-3 minutes. - Demo URL
Provide a link to a demo that showcases your channel so users can see a live demonstration of how the channel works. This lets the user get a sense of how your app can benefit them. - Screenshots
In the Screenshots section, you must provide screenshots to show what your user interface looks like in action. Screenshots provide an opportunity to visually share what your in context. - Channel Introduction
The channel introduction field gives you 100 characters to explain your app's purpose and main benefit to users. The channel introduction appears as prominently displayed text on your channel listing.
Follow these guidelines when writing your app introduction:- Clearly highlight the benefits that merchants can expect from your app.
- Don't add keywords to the app introduction with the intent of improving search performance.
- Don't use personal user information without consent from the user.
- Don't include data or statistics. You can feel free to share this information on your website and landing pages.
- Channel Details
The channel details field gives you 500 characters to expand on your channel's main benefits. In this field, you should let the user know what makes your channel unique. The channel details should be concise, but informative.
Follow these guidelines when writing your app details:- Focus on functional elements of your channel and avoid excessive marketing language.
- Don't only list features in the channel details. Use the Feature list field for listing features instead.
- Don't include support information such as emails and phone numbers in the app details. Use the Support fields to enter your support information instead.
- Don't include links and URLs in the app details. The submission form lets you provide links to your website's homepage, your FAQ page, and your pricing information, where you can host whatever additional information.
- Don't include testimonials in the channel details.
- Don't add keywords to the channel details with the intent of improving search performance.
- Don't include any data or statistics in your channel details. Feel free to share this information on your website and landing pages.
- Feature list
The feature list should include a list of the functional features of your channel. The content for each listed feature should be short so that merchants can easily scan the list to understand what your channel offers. You can use up to 80 characters per feature.
When writing your feature list, you should describe the functionality, not the mechanics behind each feature.
Updated over 1 year ago