Integer Attributes

Attribute type idType specific restriction parameters
integerminValue: Minimum integer value (inclusive)
maxValue: Maximum integer value (inclusive)
maxDigits: Maximum string length
patterns: List of patterns that the value must match (Java Pattern). Values has to match all the patters. Pattern is only matched against the attribute value - without unit.
units: List of possible units to use (units have to be defined in unitsOfMeasure section of datastandard)


All restrictions are validated in provided order.

Attribute validation will fail on the first unfulfilled restriction.

Code Examples:

  "id" : "WIDTH",
  "name" : "Width",
  "type" : {
    "id" : "integer",
    "restriction" : {
      "parameters" : {
        "minValue" : "0",
        "maxValue" : "999999999",
        "maxDigits" : "9"
      "patterns" : [ {
        "pattern" : "1\\d*",
        "message" : "Value has to start with 1."
      } ]
    "units" : [ "CM", "INCH" ]
Attribute integerAttribute = AttributeBuilder
        .integerAttribute("WIDTH", "Width")
        .withUnits(List.of(UnitOfMeasureBuilder.regularUnitOfMeasure("CM", "cm").build(),
                UnitOfMeasureBuilder.regularUnitOfMeasure("INCH", "inch").build()))
        .withPattern(Pattern.compile("1\\d*"), "Value has to start with 1.")