Conditionally required rule

The conditionally required rule builder has the following additional properties:

expressionAn expression using the attribute aliases. If
• “x” is alias for the attribute with ID=“NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE_ID”
• “y” is alias for the attribute with ID=”UNIT_ATTRIBUTE_ID”

then the following kind of expressions are possible:
"x == y"
"x == \"No\" and y == \"Yes\""
"x != \"3\" or not y == \"5\""

Supported operators are ==, !=, and, or, not
IMPORTANT: Values must be encoded as strings in expression!
aliasesA list of variable names that are used in expressions in place of attribute IDs. Aliases must be valid groovy variable names
conditional attributeThe attribute that is required to be non-empty when expression evaluates to true
error messageThe error message that will show up in PDX UI if condition is true, but conditional attribute was not set to a value

Code Example:

BusinessRule rule = BusinessRuleBuilder.conditionallyRequiredRule("RULE_ID")
    .withAlias("x", "NUMBER_ATTRIBUTE_ID")
    .withAlias("y", "UNIT_ATTRIBUTE_ID")
    .withExpression("x == \"100\" and y == \"units\"")
    .withErrorMessage("When quantity is set to 100 units, then 'Info per 100' is required")

This produces the following JSON output when rule is serialized:

  "id": "RULE_ID",
  "templateId": "conditionallyRequired",
  "errorMessage": "When quantity is set to 100 units, then 'Info per 100' is required",
  "namedAttributes": {
  "parameters": {
    "expression": "x == \"100\" and y == \"units\"",
    "conditionalAttribute": "PER_HUNDRED_INFO_ID"
  "requiredContexts": [],
  "execution": "CONTINUOUS",
  "businessRuleScopes": [],
  "staticProperties": {}