Create channel in PDX

Receive Gateway API-token

Provide your PDX contact with a company name you want to use for this test-adapter, and ask them to provide you with the following:

  1. a test-adapter
  2. API-token, adapterId, and channelId

Add your IDs + company name

Inside the Getting Started project, locate the channel setup inside the class:

cd src/main/java
cd sdk/getting/started
cd generator/examples/channels/

and replace the parameters of the ChannelBuilder.defaultChannel as follows:

  • channelId (the provided channelId without the ending "-channel")
  • adapterApplicationName (the provided adapterId)
  • channelName (a human readable name for your channel)

Run code

Run the YourChannelGenerator inside the generator-package and verify that the following files are generated in the root directory of the project:


Seed via Gateway API

Once you have done this, put this channel into your PDX UI by running the seed script found in the root of the project.


where API-token is the token you received above, and ENVIRONMENT is preprod. Ask your contact to help you out if needed.

Verify channel found in API

Verify that your channel was created by using the following link using the channelId you received:

LINK: Preprod Gateway API

And perform the following steps:

  1. choose adapter-gateway from the "select a definition"-menu
  2. provide your API-token by clicking the lock-symbol to the right of the call
  3. run GET-method /external/channels/{channelId} and provide the channel ID

If your channel was correctly created, you should receive a response similar to the [your-company]-channel.json:

  "id": "your-company-channel",
  "name": "Your Company [SDK-Channel]",
  "visibility": "Private",
  "externalChannelAttributes": {
    "submitTopic": "Publish-adapter-gateway",
    "channelAdapterServiceName": "adapter-gateway",
    "channelAdapterSupportsAuthentication": false,
    "legacyDownloadSupported": false,
    "enableAccountsValidation": false,
    "invitationOnly": false,
    "channelAuthenticationMethod": "ASYNCHRONOUS"
  "currentDatastandardVersionId": "your-company-channel_v2023-10-23T16:29:18",
  "currentBusinessRulesVersionId": "your-company-channel_v2023-10-23T16:29:18",
  "logoURL": "",
  "allowMultipleAccounts": false,
  "requiredClientAttributes": [],
  "hierarchy": {
    "isHierarchical": false,
    "levels": []
  "parameters": {}

Verify channel found in PDX

Use or create user on PDX preprod:

LINK: PDX preprod

Next, make sure that Private Channels are enabled for your account by contacting PDX representative. Finally:

  1. go to Channels>Channels Management
  2. search for your channel and add it

Please ask your contact at PDX if any of the steps above are not working!