Submission Modes
Three submission modes are supported by the adapter SDK.
Every mode is focused on a different products' grouping mechanism - product family, packaging hierarchy or individual products (no grouping).
One of SubmitHandlers has to be implemented:
Regular Submit
Implemented by RegularSubmitHandler focuses on individual products (no grouping). Handler will be provided with the batch of submitted Products.
Family based Submit
Implemented by FamilyBasedSubmitHandler focuses on products families. Handler will be provided with the batch of submitted ProductsFamilies which consists of Products belonging to the same family - as defined by datastandard.
Packaging based Submit
Implemented by PackagingBasedSubmitHandler focuses on packaging hierarchies of products. Handler will be provided with the batch of submitted Packaging hierarchies which consists of Products belonging to the same packaging hierarchy and PackagingHierarchy model describing additional properties of the hierarchy. This model can be used to recreate the packaging hierarchy together with parent/child quantities.
Updated over 1 year ago