External Status Attributes


Datastandard definition

Code Example:

  "id" : "showcase-channel",
  "name": "Showcase channel",
  "externalChannelAttributes": {
    "externalStatusAttributes" : [ "EXTERNAL_STATUS", "DRAFT ID" ],
  "parameters": {
    "externalIdAttributeName": "External ID"

SubmitStatusEvent example

Code Example:

  "clientId" : "STIBOSYSTEMSRD",
  "channelId" : "showcase-channel",
  "status" : "Success",
  "items" : [ {
    "productId" : "0144501032",
    "status" : "Sent",
    "channelStatus" : "Sent",
    "message" : "Product was Sent.",
    "channelProcessingStages" : [ "Disabled" ],
    "externalStatus" : {
      "DRAFT ID" : [ "Test 1" ]
  } ]

External status attributes

External status attributes are not real attributes but rather statuses that can be set by adapter for each product. Because of that:

  • they can not be assigned to categories - they are visible in all categories
  • they can not be mapped or changed in any way other that by SubmitStatusEvent sent from adapter
  • they are not submitted to the adapter

These attributes are used to store products' external status, additional external ids and alike.

External statuses are mapped from SubmitStatusItem#externalStatus.

External Id

External id is a special type of external status attribute. It is mapped from SubmitStatusItem#externalProductId and its' name visible in the UI is set in channel parameters as externalIdAttributeName.