File based rule

Code Example:

BusinessRule rule = BusinessRuleBuilder
    .withGroovyCode(new File("rule.groovy"))

The groovy script file must include two imports:

The first import adds code completion and docs for helper methods such as nullSafeEquals. The second import gives access to various contexts that the rule operates on, such as the product, attributes, and errors. TODO: link to See documentation for further details.

Here is the content of rule.groovy:

package groovyRules;
import static com.stibo.leap.datastandard.extractor.sdk.businessrules.BusinessRuleUtils.*;
import com.stibo.leap.datastandard.extractor.sdk.businessrules.GroovyExecutionScope;

def product = GroovyExecutionScope.CHANNEL_PRODUCT?.getProduct();
def attributeA = product?.getAttribute("A");
def attributeB = product?.getAttribute("B");

if (nullSafeEquals(attributeA?.getValue(), attributeB?.getValue())) {
    GroovyExecutionScope.errors.put("A", "A and B cannot contain the same value");
    GroovyExecutionScope.errors.put("B", "A and B cannot contain the same value");

return !GroovyExecutionScope.errors.isEmpty();

This produces the following JSON output when rule is serialized:

  "id": "RULE_ID",
  "templateId": "groovyRule",
  "namedAttributes": {},
  "parameters": {
    "customFunction": "def product = context.get(\"CHANNEL_PRODUCT\")?.getProduct();def attributeA = product?.getAttribute(\"A\");def attributeB = product?.getAttribute(\"B\");if (nullSafeEquals(attributeA?.getValue(), attributeB?.getValue())) {errors.put(\"A\", \"A and B cannot contain the same value\");errors.put(\"B\", \"A and B cannot contain the same value\");};return !errors.isEmpty();"
  "requiredContexts": [
  "execution": "CONTINUOUS",
  "businessRuleScopes": [],
  "staticProperties": {}