String Attributes

Attribute type idType specific restriction parameters
stringminLength: Minimum string length (number of Unicode code units)
maxLength: Maximum string length (number of Unicode code units)
patterns: List of patters that the value must match (Java Pattern). Values has to match all the patters.
listOfValues: List of possible values for attribute (can’t be mixed with other restrictions)
listOfValuesDependsOnAttribute: Marks the attribute as dependent on the Account attribute value. Values are defined during account Authentication.
clientSpecificListOfValues: Specifies the attribute to use list of values defined during account Authentication. Value has to match one of ClientSpecificListOfValuesMap’s key returned by adapter during account Authentication.
listOfValuesFilterAttribute: Specifies the attribute to use as a filter attribute. Value of this attribute will be used to get the proper list of values from filteredListOfValues.
filteredListOfValues: Map of of list of values to use depending on listOfValuesFilterAttribute.


All restrictions are validated in provided order.

Attribute validation will fail on the first unfulfilled restriction.

Code Examples:

  "name" : "Product description",
  "type" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "restriction" : {
      "parameters" : {
        "minLength" : "32",
        "maxLength" : "200"
      "patterns" : [ {
        "pattern" : "\\p{Lu}.*",
        "message" : "Description has to start with uppercase letter."
      }, {
        "pattern" : ".*\\.",
        "message" : "Description has to end with a dot."
      } ]
  "id" : "BRAND",
  "name" : "Product brand",
  "type" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "restriction" : {
      "listOfValues" : [ "Apple", "Microsoft", "Samsung" ]
  "id" : "MODEL",
  "name" : "Product model",
  "type" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "restriction" : {
      "filteredListOfValues" : {
        "Samsung" : [ "Z Fold4", "S22 Ultra" ],
        "Microsoft" : [ "Surface", "Surface Duo" ],
        "Apple" : [ "iPhone 14", "iPhone 12" ]
      "listOfValuesFilterAttribute" : "BRAND"
  "id" : "Location",
  "name" : "Locations (GLNs)",
  "type" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "restriction" : {
      "parameters" : {
        "listOfValuesDependsOnAttribute" : "true"
  "id" : "PrimaryShipPoint",
  "name" : "Primary Ship Point",
  "type" : {
    "id" : "string",
    "restriction" : {
      "parameters" : {
        "clientSpecificListOfValues" : "supplierIdList"
Attribute attribute = AttributeBuilder
        .stringAttribute("PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION", "Product description")
        .withDescription("Detailed attribute description.")
        .withDisableInSubmitStates(List.of("one", "two"))
        .withGroup(AttributeGroupBuilder.regularAttributeGroup("OTHER", "Other").build())